Hamsters Available for Adoption

If you are located in the Denver-Metro area and would like to adopt a hamster please contact us. If we don’t have hamsters available right now, you can join our waitlist. GHR works hard to match hamsters with loving and supportive forever-homes. If interested in adopting a hamster, please click the button below to contact us. Please make sure to read our adoption policies and contract. The adoption fee for each hamster is $50 plus a suggested donation to cover materials. All hamsters come with a large enclosure complete with bedding, a sand bath, properly-sized-wheel, enrichment, and a water bottle.

Please remember, the average lifespan of a hamster is two years, although some may live for shorter or longer. The size and temperament of a hamster varies based on the species. Hamsters are skittish and can be unpredictable under certain conditions, which can include the possibility of biting, but they are relatively easy to tame with appropriate training and environment.


As much as we love our little furry friends, hamsters do, unfortunately, have short life spans. Some of the hamsters in our shelter are older. If you adopt and end up having to say goodbye to your GHR loved one sooner than anticipated, please know that we are here for you. If, and when, you decide you would like to adopt another hamster, GHR will reduce adoption costs by 50% for anyone choosing to adopt again (as long as you still have your old enclosure).

Click Here to Learn More About the Full Adoption Process.

The hamsters below are currently in our shelter.

GHR Procedures, Policies, and Contract

  • Snow White and the Six Dwarves (ALL SEVEN ARE CURRENTLY RESERVED)

    7 baby Syrians (one female and six males) born on 12/25/24.  Available for adoption starting on 2/24.  Can be reserved with a deposit.


    Jupiter is a 4-month old, female, tan/grey, short-haired Syrian hamster.

  • Hamster veterinary care

    Veterinary Care

    GHR ensures that all hamsters available for adoption have received a full veterinary examination.

  • Adoption Policies

    Adoption Policies

    GHR will not place a hamster into an adoptive home in which any member of that household smokes. GHR also does not adopt hamsters as gifts. Please make sure to read our adoption policies carefully.

  • Adoption contract

    Adoption Contract

    GHR charges an adoption fee for all hamsters. GHR also provides training and resources to get you started as a responsible hamster parent. Please review the adoption contract carefully.

Where are they now?

The happy hamsters below are no longer available for adoption and have found their forever-homes in 2024!

Make sure to click the buttons below this section to see the happy hamsters that found their forever homes in 2023 and 2022!

  • Cal (Nutz)

    Addie was thrilled to adopt Cal (who he has nicknamed “Nutz”)! Addie asked great questions throughout the adoption process and had been on the GHR waitlist for almost two months!  We are so excited for Addie and Nutz (Cal) and know they will be wonderful friends!

  • Wendigo

    We are so excited for Colton! Colton is an experienced hamster-parent who was dedicated to a rescue. He spent a few weeks on the waitlist and it was well worth it! Wendigo was thrilled to find her forever home and we are so happy for them both!

  • Alvin

    Emma was absolutely thrilled to meet little Alvin! The two of them bonded almost instantly and Emma waited a long time to find just the right hamster to rescue. She asked lots of great questions during the hamster-care session and we know she will take great care of him!

  • Snuggles

    Snuggles hit the jackpot with Christine! Christine is an experienced hamster-parent dedicated to rescuing hamsters. She and Snuggles were instantly drawn to each other and we know that Snuggles will be so happy with her! Congratulations to you both!

  • Chips

    We are so excited for Zoe and Chips!  Zoe and her mom drove a long way to adopt and Zoe immediately bonded with Chips.  She is an experienced hamster parent and we know they will have so many fun memories together.  Congratulations!

  • Buckee

    Deanna and Buckee were meant to be together! Deanna and her entire family drove a great distance to make sure to adopt instead of buying from a pet store.  She is a new hamster parent and asked fantastic questions during the hamster-care session.  Both Deanna and Buckee were so excited to meet each other and we know they will be so happy together!

  • Nessa

    We believe Nessa and her family truly deserve each other. They were so excited to adopt her. The family did a wonderful job at the adoption appointment. We are so happy for you guys. Congratulations!

  • Truffles

    We are so glad Sharon and Truffles found each other! Sharon was committed to supporting a rescue.  She also has a background in vet medicine and will give Truffles the home he deserves. We know you will make a wonderful family.

  • Marshmallow

    We believe it’s destiny that Marshmallow found Destiny. Destiny will be perfect for Marshmallow because she will be patient with her Destiny was committed to adopting from a rescue. We are so happy for you both!

  • Fred

    Olivia was so excited to adopt Fred! We are so glad Olivia made the long drive to get Fred. Fred is going to a fantastic home because Olivia is an experienced hamster parent . We are so glad Fred and Olivia found each other.

  • Elena

    We are so glad Stryker made it through the wait because he got to meet Elena. He was so excited to take her home. We know he will be a great hamster parent for Elena because he asked some fantastic questions. Congratulations!

  • Bean

    Little Bean was so excited to meet his family! The family was a little camera shy (just like little Bean), but we know they will become super close. Everyone in the family was so patient with little Bean and he got braver and braver. We are so happy for you all!

  • Nutters

    Nutters was so lucky to find Lily! Lily drove a long way to get to Gretta’s Hamster Rescue, and is very committed to adopting from rescues. Nutters immediately bonded with Lily, we are so happy for both of you! We are sure that you two will grow close in no time!

  • Mochi

    Mochi was so lucky to find Candence. Cadence is a long-time hamster lover and will be such a great parent to Mochi. Cadence is volunteering with Gretta’s Hamster Rescue, and we are beyond grateful. Thank you for helping us, and congratulations to you and Mochi!

  • Rue

    Shaely and Bethany were so excited to welcome Rue into their home. At the adoption, they were so patient with Rue. Since Rue has been very shy, it will take some work to socialize her. Both Bethany and Shaely are willing to help Rue overcome her challenges. We are so excited for all of you!

  • Chili

    Chili found such a good home. She was so lucky to find someone who is willing to let her be herself and will give her so much attention. Her adopter drove a long distance to get to Gretta’s Hamster Rescue. We are so happy for you both!

  • Mama

    Mama was so lucky to find such a good home. Two preschool teachers adopted her, and her situation could not be more perfect. Since Mama is blind, she doesn't know when it is day or night. Becuase of this, she gets up throughout the day, and is so fun to watch. The preschoolers absolutely adore her. We are so happy for all of you!

  • Pepper

    Pepper and McKay were so lucky to find each other. McKay is a first time hasmter parent and was eager to learn proper hamster care at the adoption. She was so excited to meet Pepper, and Pepper even took a treat from her! We are so happy for you!

  • Daisy

    Mae came to GHR so prepared! She has done a lot of research to prepare for her new furry friend. Mae even made GHR a hand drawn sign, which is hanging in our shelter room. Daisy was so lucky to find Mae. We are so happy for both of you and wish you the best!

  • Ringo

    Amanda and Zach were so kind to adopt Ringo. Ringo had been with Gretta’s Hamster Rescue for several months waiting for his forever home. We are so happy for all of you, congratulations!

  • Bella

    We are so thrilled for Ella and Amy - they found a wonderful little hamster in sweet Bella! They are both experienced hamster-parents and drove a long way to make sure to support a rescue instead of a pet shop. We know they will become very close and we couldn’t be happier for all three of them!

  • Snickerdoodle

    Parker is an experienced hamster-parent who was thrilled to adopt Snickerdoodle! He really took his time in meeting the hamsters and selecting the one that he would connect with the best. We are so happy for both Parker and Snickerdoodle and know that they will be so happy together!

  • Rusty

    Laila and Roxana were so excited to meet little Rusty! They bonded almost instantly with this sweet hammie and were very attentive to learn proper hamster care and provide the best home possible. We know that will be a great match! Congratulations!

  • Boba

    We are so excited for little Boba and Emily! While Emily is a little camera-shy - Boba certainly is not. We know the two will make a wonderful pair and we wish them the best! Congratulations!

  • Possum Ross and Banjo Jimmy

    Nik and Ashley - two of our most dedicated adopters - have affectionately named these little cuties "Possum Ross" and "Banjo Jimmy"! They may sound like a country duo in a bar, but they are actually adorable hammies that hit the jackpot! This amazing family has truly supported GHR by helping aging hamsters and accepting each individual hamster for his/her personality. We are so grateful to Ashley and Nik and are so happy for Possum Ross and Banjo Jimmy!

  • Hollywood

    Irisa was thrilled to meet little Hollywood! Irisa wanted a little friend to keep her company in college and she was absolutely committed to a rescue and to learning proper hamster care. We know they will be so happy together and we know Hollywood will help her study through late nights!

  • Seagate

    Dylan was completely taken by surprise when his parents told him that they were going to look at wall textures but instead brought him to our rescue! He had been wanting a hamster for so long and his wait was finally over! Seagate was thrilled to meet Dylan and we know they are going to be wonderful friends. Congratulations to this fun family!

  • Snuggles

    The Morrison family was so excited to meet Snuggles! They were really patient and seemed to bond very closely very quickly! They were committed to a rescue and we are so grateful to them! Congratulations on your newest furry family member!

  • Benny

    Our 2023 GHR volunteer of the year came back and adopted from us again! We are thrilled that Calli and Benny found each other. Benny truly hit the jackpot with Calli who has a very special place in her heart for hammies. We love that Calli has continued to be involved with GHR and we are so happy for her and Benny!

  • Berry

    Named for the strawberry hideout he loves to inhabit; Berry could not have been more excited to peek his nose out at meet Meredith and Justin! The bond was instantaneous and we know they will become a very close family. Congratulations Berry, Meredith, and Justin!

  • Bear

    We are so thrilled for Bear! Bear was adopted by one of our dedicated volunteers who absolutely loves and dotes on his hamsters. He loving refers to himself as "the hamster servant" and cherishes the time he has with each. Bear is such a sweet and loving hamster, and we know that they will be so happy together!

  • Bellatrix

    Isla was absolutely thrilled to meet Bellatrix! As a Harry Potter fan, Isla was excited to meet the fiery and energetic little Bellatrix and offer her a wonderful forever-home. She is an experienced hamster parent, and we are so happy for them both!

  • Acorn

    After having to say goodbye to their Syrian, Pinecone, Jessica and Jimmy were so excited to find little Acron and offer him a forever-home! They are experienced hamster parents and were so excited to meet this little Campbell's hamster. We know you will be so happy together!

  • Glinda

    While the Wizard of Oz Glinda travels by bubble, we are convinced that this little Glinda believes her wheel will take her anyway where she wants to go! And it did! It took her to her forever home! Helen, Vivian, and Bruin were thrilled to welcome little Glinda and are committed to supporting rescues. Congratulations to this wonderful family!

  • Cookie Dough

    Aurora is such a special person! She adopted sweet old Cookie Dough despite him being reluctant to be held.  Her dedication to providing a loving home for an older hamster is inspiring and we are so grateful to her!  Cookie Dough is super lucky to have found Aurora and we know they will make each other very happy.

  • Cheese

    While her parents might be a little camera shy, Cheese certainly isn't and loves to pose for pictures! She was absolutely thrilled to meet her forever-family and will charm them as quickly as she charmed us! Congratulations to Cheese and her new family!

  • Joey

    Kate was delighted to meet little Joey!  She waited for the right fit for her family and drove a long way to make sure to adopt – not shop.  We really appreciate her dedication!  Joey was very cuddly right away and we know that he will become a wonderful part of her family!

  • Wayne

    A huge congratulations to the Kenah family!  They had wanted a hamster for a very long time and were so thrilled to meet Wayne!  They were very attentive at the adoption and asked great questions.  We know that they will be a perfect fit!

  • Sporky

    We are so excited for Erin and Sporky!  Erin was so eager to meet this little cutie, and they bonded so quickly.  She came with great questions and was excited to learn all about hamster care.  Congratulations Erin and Sporky!

  • Chandler

    Maddock and Layla were thrilled to adopt little Chandler!  They are experienced hamster parents and were so excited to give this little guy a great home.  They seemed to connect really quickly, and we know they will form a wonderful family together.

  • Lola

    We are thrilled that Lola found such a thoughtful and prepared family! This family waited awhile to make sure they adopted a hamster (instead of getting one through a pet store) and they did a ton of research and learning before travelling almost two hours to get to us. They are quite dedicated indeed! Congratulations, Jo, we know that you and Lola will form a wonderful bond!

  • Toasted Marshmallow

    Layla and Maddock were absolutely thrilled to meet Toasted Marshmallow! Layla and Maddock are first-time hamster-parents, and they were so attentive during the hamster-care presentation of their adoption session. They asked great questions and were really interested in making sure to meet Toasted Marshmallow’s needs. We are so excited for this wonderful family.

  • Pom Pom

    Little Pom Pom was very excited to meet Jayda! Jayda is an experienced hamster-parent that had to say goodbye to her previous beloved-hamster (Spice) far too early. Jayda is thrilled to have made it through a long wait on the waitlist and to welcome this little sweetie into her family. Congratulations to you both!

  • Zoey

    We are thrilled that Gabrielle and Monica found each other! Gabrielle was thrilled to get off of our long waitlist and adopt a sweet baby Syrian. She was so thoughtful and patient with Monica and we are sure they will become wonderful friends. Congratulations to this great family!

  • Peanut and Truffles

    This amazing family came to adopt little Peanut and ended up opening their home to not one, but two hamsters! They are incredible hamster-parents and have so much love to give. Their previous hamster even went to work with them sometimes! We are so grateful and are so happy for Peanut and Truffles – they hit the jackpot!

  • Peggy

    We are so thrilled for little Peggy! Peggy waited a long time for her forever-family to come and find her and boy is she glad that she waited! Catie was so eager to meet Peggy and she was so thoughtful and patient with her. Congratulations Peggy and Catie!

  • Buck

    We are so excited that Buck and Zachary found each other! Zachary is a previous hamster parent and was so excited to meet little Buck. He asked great questions during the hamster care session and learned a lot. Buck was so thrilled to have his forever-family that he ran and ran and ran in his wheel even when moving his enclosure out to Zachary’s car! Congratulations to this wonderful family.

  • Maple

    We are so excited for Samuel and Maple! Samuel is a first-time hamster parent and was very excited to meet Maple! He did lots of research (he LOVES to read) and asked great questions during the adoption. He was kind and patient with Maple and we know they will become wonderful friends. Congatulations!

  • Little One

    Little One hit the jackpot with this family! Joedy, Dave, Noa, and Asher are all first-time hamster parents and they were absolutely committed to supporting a rescue. They were very interested in learning hamster care and so excited to meet Little One. Congratulations to this growing family!

  • Bear

    We are so excited for Ayla and Elijah! Ayla is an experienced hamster parent and was thrilled to meet sweet Bear. The two bonded right away and we have already received some adorable pictures from them with Bear in his new home. Congratulations!

  • Linus

    Baylor is a very experienced hamster-parent and a longtime supporter of and volunteer for GHR. Watch for Baylor this summer if you are boarding your hamster with us – she’ll be helping us out! Linus and Baylor made an instant connection, and we are so happy for Baylor to welcome this sweet little Robo into her family. Thank you for all that you do, Baylor!

  • Radish

    We are so excited for Derek and Addie! Derek submitted their name to our waitlist quite a while ago and we are so thankful they waited for just the right little hammie! Both Derek and Addie were very patient with Radish and were so excited to meet their new furry family member. We are so happy for you all!

  • Chase

    Chase hit the jackpot with the Barron Family! After deeply morning the loss of their previous hamster, their family was finally ready to adopt a new furry family member. They bonded instantly with Chase and he was so snuggly with them! Their family is very committed to supporting rescues and was very engaged in all of the hamster care discussions. Congratulations!!

  • Goldie

    We are so excited for Goldie! Her family waited a long time for her and drove a great distance! They were absolutely committed to adopting from a rescue and are thrilled to be first-time hamster parents. We know that Sara, Josh, Zach, and Bradley will fall in love with Goldie in no time! Congratulations!

  • Blizzard

    Blizzard has found an amazing home with one of our dedicated GHR volunteers! Blizzard is defiantly fastest little snowball out there and we suspect he is aiming to be the first hamster to break the sound barrier! We are so happy for them both and know they will be very close.

  • Louise

    Louise found an amazing home with Taylor! Taylor is an incredible person who has opened her home to several GHR hamsters and welcomed this sweet older hamster in with open arms. We are so happy for you both and so thankful for Taylor!

  • Hammie

    Landon was so excited to meet little Hammie! Landon is a first-time hamster parent and was very excited and very patient with Hammie. He was well-prepared for the adoption with questions, and we are so excited that they found each other!

  • Cami

    Cami came to us when her hamster-dad was deployed and couldn’t take her with him. Sarah, Rob, Tom, and Mae want to express appreciation to Cami’s former dad and want him to know that they have provided a wonderful home for her! They drove a long way to meet Cami and were so excited to cuddle her! Congratulations to all and thank you (Cami’s former dad) for your service!

  • Tuna (formerly Cinnamon)

    Camerin was thrilled to meet Tuna! Camerin works at an animal rescue shelter and is an experienced hamster-parent. She is committed to supporting rescues and was so excited to meet this little one. We know they will grow very close and we are so grateful to her for all of the work she does to help animals!

  • Eggo

    Benjamin, Dov, Ayla and Anselm were so excited to meet little Eggo! Their entire family was very committed to supporting a rescue and they were very patient and attentive during the hamster care presentation. Little Eggo waited a long time for the perfect forever-family and I think his wish finally came true!

  • Gene

    Zoey had waited a long time to find just the right match in her new furry family member and Gene was it! Zoey and Gene seemed to bond right away and we are thrilled for them both. Congratulation!!

  • Munchkin

    Munchkin and Breana are the perfect pair! Breana was so excited to meet Munchkin and came very prepared for her adoption. Munchkin bonded right away with her and we know they will become wonderful friends. We are so happy for you!

  • Captiva

    Captiva waited a long time for her forever family and we are so happy she finally found it! Eva and Martin drove four hours each way to adopt this sweet hamster and we are so grateful for their incredible commitment to supporting a rescue! We know you will be so happy together!

  • Ryder

    We are so excited for Ryder and Theresa! Theresa was very excited to learn hamster care and she and Ryder bonded right away. Theresa was absolutely committed to supporting a rescue and we are so glad that she and Ryder found each other!

  • Pebbles

    Pebbles was thrilled to meet Inez! They bonded almost instantly and it was a match made in heaven! Inez came very prepared to her adoption and had done a lot of research. She was committed to supporting a rescue and we are so happy that Pebbles and Inez found each other!

  • Fig

    Leni and Bo were thrilled to adopt Fig! They are both new hamster-parents but took care of a class hamster. They were very excited and very attentive in the hamster-care presentation. They are both committed to supporting rescues and we are so excited for their family! Congratulations Fig, Leni, and Bo!

  • Seagate

    Reid was so excited to meet Seagate! He is a first-time hamster parent and is so excited! It has been a long-time dream of his to welcome a hamster into his family and we are so happy that his dream came true with Seagate! We know they will become wonderful friends!

  • Puffy

    Hunter was so excited to meet Puffy! Hunter is a first-time hamster parent and came very prepared to his hamster-care presentation. He asked great questions and was very engaged. Puffy is super sweet and the two of them bonded quickly. We are so happy for you both!

  • Sanibel

    We are thrilled for sweet Sanibel! He was excited to find his forever-family and quickly bonded with them. While his family was a little camera-shy, Sanibel certainly was not, and we know he will be a great addition to their family. Congratulations to you all!

  • Marco

    Taylor is an experienced hamster-mom and a complete animal lover! She has adopted from GHR previously and is committed to supporting our rescue. She and Marco formed an instant connection and we are so happy for them!

  • Pippy

    Ambryella and Amorrina were thrilled to adopt little Pippy! They are first-time hamster parents and are so excited to welcome this adorable fur ball into their family. They are very committed to supporting a rescue and waited a long time for Pippy. We know they will be so happy together and we are so happy for their entire family!

  • Jellybean

    Arlo and Jellybean are perfect for each other! Arlo has had a long-time dream of becoming a hamster-parent and his dream finally came through with little Jellybean! Arlo is a first-time hamster parent and was very attentive during our hamster-care presentation class. He asked great questions and was very thoughtful and patient with Jellybean. We are sure they will become wonderful friends and we are so happy for you both!

  • Peanut

    Levi was absolutely thrilled to adopt Peanut! Levi is an experienced hamster-parent and was very patient with this little guy. They bonded almost immediately and Peanut was so happy to have found his forever-home! We know they will be so happy together. Congratulations Levi and Peanut!

  • Clyde

    Are little Crazy Clyde finally found his home! Wyatt is an experienced hamster-parent who is absolutely committed to rescues. Clyde waited so long for his forever-home, and we couldn’t think of a better fit than the one he found with Wyatt. Clyde needs a very understanding person that will be patient with him, and Wyatt was absolutely perfect! Congratulations Wyatt and Clyde!

  • Linda

    Reese and Charlotte couldn’t be happier to have met Linda! Linda is by far the largest hamster GHR has ever had and both Reese and Charlotte were so patient with her. She cracked them up by stopping to groom her large body between snacks and resembling a miniature grizzly bear! We know the three of them will be very happy together!

  • Judy

    Judy immediately bonded with Cole and Cole fell in love with Judy at first sight! Cole is an experienced hamster parent and he and his family have always supported rescues. We are so happy for them!

  • Bear

    We are so excited for Bear!! Selah and her family came to the adoption very prepared and were committed to supporting a rescue. They were very patient as Bear became more comfortable with them, and we know they will grow very close. Congratulations!

  • Bettlejuice

    Beetlejuice is so lucky to have found Taylor! Taylor is an experienced hamster-parent and was thrilled to meet young Beetlejuice. She is an expert in hamster care and was so happy to welcome little Beetlejuice into her family!

  • Bob

    Bob is sure a very lucky guy! Bryan is an amazing hamster-parent and was so excited to meet this little guy! Bryan has lots of experience rescuing and helping little creatures and he and Bob are going to be wonderful companions. Congratulations Bob and Bryan!

  • Crimson

    Crimson found an instant best friend in Lucy! Lucy was incredibly patient with her and the two bonded amazingly well during their very first introduction. Lucy is a first-time hamster parent and did a great job learning proper hamster care. We are so happy for you both!

  • Dove

    Dove hit the jackpot with Jacqui! Jacqui had some unique needs when adopting this little cutie and GHR was so happy to help. She and Dove are perfect for each other and will have lots of time to play and bond. Congratulations!

  • Soybean

    Soybean found a wonderful family with Caitlyn! Caitlyn is an experienced hamster parent and wanted to add a second hamster to her family. Soybean was just the right fit! We know they will be so happy together!

  • Chopstick

    We are so excited that Chopstick found Ashley and Nik! The two of them are experienced hamster parents and were eager to adopt again. They are committed to choosing rescues, and drove a long way to our rescue. We are so happy for all of you!

  • Boo

    We are so happy for Boo! Boo found an amazing home with Caroline and Willow! Caroline and Willow are animal lovers and were thrilled to welcome Boo into their lives. Thank you so much for adopting and we are so happy for all of you!

  • Hammond

    We are so happy for Hammond and Kanna! Kanna is an animal lover and she was so excited to welcome Hammond into her life. We are sure you two will grow close and we are so happy for you both!

  • Mocha

    We are so happy for Ensley and Mocha! Mocha is our 2nd only tortoiseshell hamster, a very rare color pattern. Ensley is an experienced hamster parent and she has adopted from GHR before. Thank you for choosing a rescue and we are so happy for you both!

  • Jimothy

    Aaron was very excited to meet Jimothy. Aaron is a first time hamster parent and was very prepared for the adoption. He came with a lot of knowledge due to extensive research. He asked great questions. We know both of you will grow close in no time, and we are so happy for you both!

  • Bacon (formerly Eve)

    Michael was very patient with Bacon at the adoption! Michael is an experienced animal parent, and was excited to get a hamster. Michael went slow with Eve, and Eve warmed up to Michael very quickly. We are so happy for you both!

  • Oliver

    Bridget and Oliver were so lucky to find each other. Bridget is a first time hamster parent and was very excited. Bridget came with her mom when we had an adoption opening last minute. They were great about getting here really quickly! We are so happy for all of you and we wish you all the best!

  • Celery (formerly Glow)

    Abby and Celery will be great together. Abby came very prepared for the adoption. She went through extensive research before coming to GHR. Thank you for choosing a rescue and we are so happy you two found each other!

  • Angel

    Noel was so excited to meet Angel! Noel is a first time hamster parent. Her entire family was very attentive at the adoption and asked some great questions. We are so happy for you both and we wish you the best!

  • Boba and Frostine

    We are so happy for Boba and Frostine! Katie did a lot of research before coming to GHR and was very prepared at the adoption appointment. Katie adopted both Boba and Frostine! Boba is pictured above. Katie knew Boba would have a hard time finding a home due to her age, so she took her in. Boba has so much love to give. Frostine is also very sweet. We are so happy for all of you!

  • Willow

    Elena was on our waitlist for a while, but finally got a hamster! She found Willow and the two of them bonded right away. Elena is a first time hamster parent and had many good questions at the adoption event. Willow and Elena will grow close in no time and we are so happy you found each other!

  • Belle

    Belle and Parker got so lucky that they found each other! Parker is a first time hamster parent and he was eager to learn at the adoption. Parker was very patient with all the hamsters he met. Parker was committed to adopting from a rescue. We are so happy for you both!

  • Baby Carrot

    Baby Carrot was so excited to find her forever family! Her family is first time hamster parents, and they were eager to learn proper hamster care. We are so excited for you all and we wish you all the best!

  • Holly

    Holly was so lucky to find her forever family! Her family members are first time hamster parents. All of them asked great questions at the adoption. They were all eager to learn about proper hamster care. Holly was a bit skittish at first, but eventually calmed down and warmed up to her adopters. Holly and family: we are so happy for you all!

  • Humphrey

    James and Aaron found Humphrey and knew that he was the one! Both of them were very patient with Humphrey at the adoption and Humphrey warmed up to them in no time. Humphrey loved the pepita seeds that James and Aaron offered him, and they bonded very quickly! We are sure that the all of you will grow close in no time, and we are so excited for the adventures you will have together!

  • Midnight

    Midnight was very lucky to have Coura as an adopter! Coura is a first time hamster parent and she was very excited at the adoption. She had done extensive research before, and came to GHR very prepared. Coura was very attentive during the presentation and asked good questions. We know the two of you will grow very close, and we are thrilled that you found each other!

  • Leo

    Ciaran came to GHR, and immediately bonded with Leo. Ciaran is a first time hamster parent and was very eager to learn. He asked great questions, showing how committed he is to proper hamster care. Ciaran went very slow with Leo, making him feel safe. Leo warmed up to Ciaran, and Ciaran knew that Leo was the one! We are so happy for both of you!

  • Hop

    Hop got so lucky to have Mae as a mom! Mae is a previous GHR adopter and she is very good with hamsters. Mae was very patient with Hop at the adoption appointment and Hop started warming up to her. We are sure you two will grow very close over time, and we can’t thank you enough for supporting GHR! Congratulations Hop and Mae!

  • Frenchie

    We are so happy for Baylor and Frenchie! Baylor is a very experienced hamster parent and one of our incredible volunteers. She fostered Frenchie over the holidays and they formed a great connection. Frenchie is so lucky to have Baylor and we wish you the best! Congratulations to both of you!

  • Boo

    We are thrilled for Anja and Boo! Anja is an experienced hamster-parent who is dedicated to helping our rescue. She was so kind to adopt a second sweet hammie into her home and we couldn’t be happier for them both! Congratulations Boo and Anja!

  • Cal

    Addie was thrilled to adopt Cal (who he has nicknamed “Nutz”)! Addie asked great questions throughout the adoption process and had been on the GHR waitlist for almost two months!  We are so excited for Addie and Nutz (Cal) and know they will be wonderful friends!